Key Secret to keeping a New Year Resolution

new yearWe are getting ever closer to the beginning of a New Year.  It seems everyone looks forward to a brighter and better future, an all new beginning   to do something life altering in the up coming new year.  I would imagine that you too are thinking the same thing. Making those resolutions, setting those goals and exploring the dreams you keep telling yourself you are finally going start reaching towards. Don’t worry, I and millions of other people all over the world are doing the very same thing.

We take this time of year to bring the past year to an end. We reflect on what did or did not happen, what we did or didn’t do and like most other years what we meant to but never got around to doing.  Maybe it was a great year, maybe it was a bad year or maybe still, it was just a year where nothing special happened. No matter how your year was, about now you are likely thinking about next year, hoping for something wonderful to happen. Taking the next few weeks to close down and reboot if you will then on January 1st, your plans are to hit the gate running. A new diet, more exercise, your going to read more, laugh more, be a nicer person, stop being so gullible, look for a new job, ….that list can go on forever can’t it?

Did you know that the No. 1 resolution set for most people will be to become more physically fit. It is followed by improving one’s financial situation, improving one’s health, losing weight, and reading more.  In fact, according to a survey conducted by time management experts FranklinCovey, a full 35 percent of New Year’s resolutions are broken before the end of January of the successive year. AND only 23 percent of New Year’s Eve resolutions were kept at all.  The survey goes on to say that distraction and being busy doing other things is the main problem. 40 percent blamed it on having too many things to do to keep their commitment. While another 33 percent blames not fulfilling their resolutions on not being committed to the resolutions they made in the first place.  SO, ask yourself this question.  What makes this year different than every other year thus far? I bet you made some of the very same resolutions last year and the year before that and probably the year before that, right?  So, why is this year going to be any different?

Sounds to me that only 33 percent were actually truthful. There is only one reason we don’t move forward with a positive change and that is simply a lack of commitment to actually doing something in the first place. If you want a good indicator of where your commitment is, look no further than your checkbook and your spare time. There are two bold truths in that statement. You will always find the money or the way to buy something you really want and you will always find time for something you are committed to.

Even though I believe the best day to start moving positively forward to a better tomorrow is today. Let me make one simple suggestion about how to make resolution that       1: You will stick with and 2: Will have the power to change you life for the better.

Get Clear about what you really want:     Think about that one dream you always wanted to do. Maybe its to run a marathon, fit into those skinny jeans, open that business or quit smoking. You should be asking yourself a few questions. Is it something important to YOU? Is it something you find occupying your your spare time and thoughts?  Is it something your passionate about?  The answers to these questions will help you find that one big life change you can commit to. If your a little unclear, try a few things on your list of resolutions and see which one fit the bill best of all. Then pursue that one.

The main objective here is not to see how many things you can put on your resolution list, its about being part of that 23% that actually does it. DON”T THROW YOUR WHOLE LIST AWAY!

Because here’s  the magic……Success breeds success!  Achievement breeds more achievement! 

AND  …Success and Achievement in your life brings greater happiness and joy to your every day and a confidence that allows you to achieve  more than you ever thought you could. Once you begin to find success in one NEW area of your life you will have the confidence and drive to start knocking out all the other items on that resolution list.

I hope that you will continue to FOLLOW my blog for great recipes and encouragement to follow your dreams. To turn that Spark of Imagination into a roaring Flame of Success.

I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

-John Buck

©2012  John Buck – Sparks2Flames      All Rights Reserved

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